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Lord Advocate

Provide day to day operation and management legal counsel for government departments In accordance with the relevant state laws, rules and regulations concerning the enterprises with lawyers and the professional administration.
1.Provide legal advice on vital decisions of the government, or conduct legal argument on policy decisions  when entrusted by government.
2.Put forward amendments and supplementary suggestions for the normative opinions drafted or proposed by the government departments on legal aspects.
3.Participate in dealing with civil disputes, economic disputes, administrative disputes and other disputes which involving the government.
4. As the agency of government to take part in the lawsuit;
5.To assist the government in reviewing major economic projects and important legal documents;
6.Help the government to carry out legal advocacy and education;
7.Provide relevant legal information to the government, and put forward legal opinions on the problems of administration of the government.
8. Accept entrustment and participate in government procurement activities, so as to provide legal guarantee for the impartiality of bidding activities.
9.Handle other legal matters when entrusted by the government.
Service agencies:
Legal Consultant to the Civil Affairs Bureau of Pingshan District, Shenzhen
Legal Consultant, Keng Zi Subdistrict Office (Labour Office), Pingshan District, Shenzhen
Legal Consultant, Longtian Subdistrict Office (Office of Justice), Pingshan District, Shenzhen